Thoughts lead on to purposes;
purposes go forth in action;
actions form habits;
habits decide character;
and character fixes our destiny.
Tyron Edwards
Thoughts must always come first.
We think about what we want to achieve. Maybe some would say we dream of our success, but either way, it all starts in the mind.
For many people, of course, that's just where it stays. They never get beyond the thoughts and dreams.
However, if you can transform your thoughts and dreams into a purpose, or a plan to enable you to achieve those dreams, then you have taken the next step. In many ways that's the hardest step of all. You need to have a purpose or any actions you take will be disjointed, and who knows where they may lead.
But don't let that put you off!
Of course, many people don't know HOW to achieve their dreams, so they don't know what their purpose is. The answer is quite simple. The purpose, for the next few days or weeks is simply to find out how to achieve your dreams. Research, study, develop a new purpose that will take you closer to your dreams.
Once you have your purpose, you can take meaningful structured actions to achieve you purpose, and onward to your dreams.
But remember that one off actions don't bring good results. You have to persevere. Keep trying. Turn your actions into habits. Things that become second nature Things it's easier to do than not to do.
Then you have become a person of character. A person with the character to persevere with a plan, a person of good habits who takes positive steps to achieve their goals every day.
Now your destiny is waiting for you.
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