Monday, 14 July 2014

Be Successful In Whatever Path You Choose

Many people want success in their life.

Describing that success can be difficult but is, none the less, critical to achieving it.

Once you have a clear idea of what your success looks like, then you will fall into one of the following groups:

People with Desire
This group contains all of those people that want success, 
represented by the blue triangle below

People with a Plan (or Method)
This group contains those people that want success, and have a way in which they can achieve that success
represented by the pink triangle below
Although not to scale, note that the pink triangle is very much smaller.
Most people do not have a plan!!

People with Commitment
This group contains those people that want success, have a plan, and are committed to doing something about it!
This group is represented by the green triangle below.
Once again, its much smaller. Most people with a plan do not have the commitment to make it happen!

People with Commitment
This group contains those people that want success, have a plan, are committed to doing something about it, and are consistent in their approach.
Success is not achieve by individual acts, but by good habit. By consistently applying your method.
This group is represented by the orange triangle below.
Once more it's very much smaller. Most people with a plan and commitment expect instant results and are easily discouraged. You must persist, and overcome all obstacles, not give up at the first problem.

People who achieve success
This group contains those people that want success, have a plan, are committed to doing something about it and are consistent (and persistent in their approach.
This group is represented by the red triangle below. 
It's smaller than the orange triangle because applying a consistent method persevering when the going gets tough, never giving up is difficult, and many people fall by the wayside.

Which group are you in?

If you don't have a method, there are some great methods out there to share.
I've recently joined this one.
Why not watch and see what you think. You have nothing to lose!

If you have the desire and the method, but you need a little help to ensure your commitment levels don't drop off, here's a program I use to maintain and grow my motivation and mental capacity to achieve all the success I want

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